Kevin Brophy, the Beloved Lucan, Passed away on May 11, 2024.

It's taken me a while to share this because I only recently learned of Mr. Brophy's passing. I knew he had been battling cancer, but this heartbreaking news still came as a shock. I apologize for the long absence from my Lucan website. My mother's passing in 2023, after her own long battle with a terminal illness, deeply affected me. The loss of her, combined with other personal challenges, drained my motivation for many of my hobbies, including maintaining my fansites. I genuinely hope to rectify this throughout the new year. Kevin Brophy was a fine actor best known for his role as the titular character in the 1970s TV series Lucan. Mr. Brophy passed away on May 11, 2024, at the age of 70. Born in Salt Lake City and raised in Southern California, Kevin Brophy's career took off after graduating from the California Institute of the Arts. His breakthrough role as Lucan, a young boy raised by wolves, captivated audiences and launched his acting career. I can't speak h...