Lucan: The Philosophical Wolf

A review of Lucan's premiere episode for the Williamsport Area Community College Newspaper Spotlight. In the late 70s and early 80s , Television and the "Big Three" networks – ABC, CBS, NBC – received many complaints from worried parents, Television watchdog and research groups, and some religious organizations about the amount of violent content on their prime-time shows. By the time Lucan premiered, changes were just being implemented. The critic in the article feels ABC overcompensated so much that instead of merely toning down the action, they "turned it off." After the Pilot, Lucan became more of a pacifist, though he wasn't afraid to fight back or defend himself when necessary. Even if Lucan had displayed a more aggressive personality, he needed to keep his cool due to his unusual strength and feral nature. The University kept Lucan under strict watch, and later, he was stalked by a Bounty hunter. On the plus side, at least the reviewer found Ke...